Saturday, May 3, 2008

african pose

-=-=african pose=-=-

i'm sorry if i'm mistaken but i think this is what we called african pose..
heheh. .:)

filipina pose

-=-=philippine pose=-=-

korean pose

-=-=-=korean pose=-=-=-
on our last day in 3rd year in Rogationist College. while we were waiting at the guidance room for our bestfrend kristena ditan cause' she was taking her special exam in foreign language.. for us to not to get bored, we decided to take pictures with different poses we invented..hahaha..

kim jitsukawa and maan andres

this is me and my classmate maan..maan is actually the president of our section..she is really responsible..and good looking...i can say also that she is talented!!hehe. . she is very supportive at our section specially when we have competitions to other sections..heheh. . .

stolen picture!!

this picture was actually stolen. .haha.. well..!!! this is taken at metrogate silang!
hehehe... we all have a fun therE!! was really one of my unforgettable outing here in the philippines!! ehehehe...
although were just few... we actually enjoy each other!!hehehe..